900 Central Avenue
Florence, WI 54121

Looking for a Fun Week This Summer?
The Florence Parish is offering a fun filled week of Vacation Bible School (VBS) this summer from Monday, July 22nd to Thursday, July 25th. Monday through Wednesday, we will be at First Presbyterian Church (409 Lake Avenue). On Thursday, we will head to Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp (FLLC), located in Crystal Falls, for an exciting day at camp. The program will run from 9:00am to 3:00pm with lunch and a snack being served daily.

The days at VBS will be filled with fun activities--arts and crafts, Bible Study, group activities, quiet time, and lots of fun songs. We are fortunate to have leading our VBS, camp staff from FLLC. The week promises to be lots of fun; a time to be with friends, a time to meet new friends, and a time to celebrate the wonderful things God has given us.
Children who have completed Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to attend. Please fill out the registration form and return it to the Parish Office, located in the First Presbyterian Church (409 Lake Avenue), or mail it to Florence Parish – P.O. Box 47 – Florence, WI 54121 by June 30th.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact the Parish office (715-528-4851), Deb Fleming (920-858-5529) or Barb Marden (847-970-0941). We hope to see you this summer for a fantastic week of VBS.